Sunday, September 4, 2011

Birds on a Wire

Well, here we are again. 
What should we do today?
I don't know. 
Should we fly over to that fence?

Well, here we are.
Can't see as much from down here. 
But it is a little more comfortable than that wire. 
Yep. I guess so.
That crow sure is loud over there. You'd think he'd keep it down so that mockingbird couple doesn't come after him again. Some birds never learn.
You think the mockingbirds will hatch a nest this year?
Don't know. Guess we'll find out soon enough.
After last year's disaster with that cat, you'd think they'd take a year off. 
Guess that's their business.
Maybe. I'd just like a little peace and quiet in the neighborhood for a change. With their constant chattering, I can barely concentrate on what I'm doing. 
I sure wish that crow would shut up. Should we fly back to the wire do you think?
Up to you.
I like being able to see what's going on. You can't see anything from down here.

Well, here we are.
You see anything we can eat? I'm kinda hungry.
Is that a french fry in the middle of the road? Oh, I love french fries. Should we go down and get it?
Up to you.
I think we should. There haven't been many cars yet. I think we'll be safe.

Watch out!
Let's go back!

Well, here we are.
Guess we shouldn't have gone down after all. 
Nope. Probably not.
I just really like french fries.
Yep. Me too.
But I guess it's not worth it.
Nope. Probably not.
Betcha that crow will go after it. Mark my words. 
Yep. Guess he probably will.
Crows have all the nerve.
Yep. They sure are brave.
Brave!? Ha! They're just stupid. Flying down to the middle of the road to get some dumb french fry. Like they don't have any sense at all. No wonder the mockingbirds chase them.
Yep. Guess you're right.
Of course I'm right. I'm always right. So, what should we do today?
I don't know.
Should we fly over to that fence?

Author's Note: Our task at Lightning and the Lightning Bug this week was to write a story using only dialogue. Come join us by linking up and checking out our fantastic community of fantastic writers!

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